tisdag 16 juli 2013

Georgia, Okefenokee swamp, day 23

After leaving Laura S. Walker state park in the morning we just crossed the street to another park called the Okefenokee swamp park. It is a swamp with guided boat tours where you get to see wild alligators and other animals (a no-go for someone who dislikes insects by the way). We instantly liked this place and alligators were free to go around the tourist space, although they mostly stayed in the water surrounding the buildings. The boat tour was awesome with a really funny southerner as a guide, talking us through the different things that we could see. Before heading off in the boat he asked where we were from, and since I was from Sweden (furthest away from the states) I would be the first one to be fed to the alligators. Luckily he didn't keep his word ;) I have a short film where you can hear his accent that I will post later. There was also an alligator and snake show where a very knowledgable woman told us about the species and let us touch them. We even got to have a 4 year old alligator (they grow really slow and can live up to a 100 years) on our heads!

Here are some pictures I took with my phone but there will be more later when I upload my camera pictures to the computer.

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